Getting ready - any tips?

LilMan with his future bro's binkie
So I have been spending the last few weeks getting some things ready (and so hasn't LilMan as you can see) around the house for the arrival of our newest little one - but I have to admit its been really hard. There are so many things to do to prepare for his homecoming. I have been cleaning out old crap and closets and just junk that has piled up.

The shower is just days away now and I really can't wait to get everything ready for him. I feel like the last month or two have felt like empty time almost. Not much you can do when you're having a shower till after. Not that I am complaining - trust me!

Well the point of this post is to get ideas from new moms and moms out there. What did you do while you waited that made life so much easier when your little bundle arrived? On the contrary, what could you have totally done without? What product can you not live without??

I am trying not to obsess about things I know I don't really need and I am trying to read all the product reviews but holy crap - there's so much!

Help - LOL! I am looking forward to your tips!!


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